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Healthier Firefighters Today:

Evidential Approaches to Effective Decontamination


A ground-breaking event raising the bar on providing workable solutions to improve firefighter health.

Date: July 2nd 

Location: West Midlands Fire Service Headquarters, 99 Vauxhall Road, Birmingham B7 4HW 


Conference Benefits: 

  • Inform delegates of global best practice
  • Adopt an expert-led scientific approach
  • Solution-focused, learning from user experience
  • Fully inclusive and FREE for all fire and rescue personnel 

Why Attend the Healthier Firefighters Conference? 


Held in partnership with Vimpex, Fire Knowledge and FIRE magazine are pleased to present a forthcoming event on the evidence-led approach to decontamination. The Healthier Firefighters Today conference will apply a science-based approach and will inform fire and rescue services on the removal of harmful contaminants from firefighting clothing.  

This ground-breaking event will raise the bar on providing workable solutions to improve firefighter health. It will do this by focusing on best practice, adopting an expert-led scientific approach and being solution-focused.  

It will include talks from acknowledged experts in laundry and chemistry, alongside user experiences. It will inform on options for short, medium and long-term improvements to firefighters’ health.

The Healthier Firefighters Today conference will: 

  • Apply science-based and evidence-led approached to decontamination
  • Inform fire and rescue services on removal of harmful contaminants from firefighting clothing
  • Hear from acknowledged experts in laundry, chemistry and user experiences
  • Inform delegates on options for short, medium and long-term improvements to firefighter health

Who should attend? 

  • Firefighters and frontline responders 
  • Senior leaders in fire and emergency response 
  • Fire and rescue personnel 
  • Occupational health professionals 
  • Human resources professionals 
  • Fire authority members 
  • Police fire and crime commissioners 
  • Fire industry equipment suppliers 
  • Fire sector experts and stakeholders 
  • Leaders from blue light services 


Brett Egan-Briers, Vice Chair of the NFCC PPE and Clothing Committee 


Riccardo Le Torre, Fire Brigades Union, ‘Union perspective – cancer deaths – improved decontamination’ (Confirmed) 

Brett Egan-Briers, Vice Chair of NFCC PPE and Clothing Committee, ‘NFCC perspectives on available decontamination technologies’ (Confirmed) 

Ingemar Lejon, Lejon Kemi, ‘Perspectives from The Nordics and update on H20 cleaning research’ (Confirmed) 

Anna Lorentzon, Electrolux Professional, ‘Laundry cleaning – Electrolux Professional’ (Confirmed) 

Adam Stone, London FB BA Cleaning Project and new BA roll-out (Confirmed)

Gorazd Stebe, CODEX Technologies d.o.o Combination cleaning – H2O/CO2 (Confirmed)


Additional Expert Panellists:  

Joachim Karthäuser, SiOX Machines CO2 decontamination (Confirmed)

Hazem Matar, PAH Analysis and Contaminants Identification (Confirmed)

John Lord, SimTrainer UK, Raising awareness of the risk of contaminants (Confirmed)

Keynote Address 1:

NFCC perspectives on available decontamination technologies Brett Egan-Briers, Vice Chair of NFCC PPE and Clothing Committee 


Keynote Address 2Cancer Deaths and FRS Response:

Union perspective – cancer deaths – improved decontamination Riccardo La Torre, Fire Brigades Union


Keynote Address 3:

BA cleaning project and new BA roll-out Adam Stone, London Fire Brigade


Keynote Address 4:

Lessons from the Nordics and update on H20 cleaning research Ingemar Lejon, Lejon Kemi 

Presentation to follow


Keynote Address 5:

Laundry cleaning Anna Lorentzon, Electrolux Professional 

Presentation to follow


Keynote Address 6:

Combination H20 and C02 cleaning – Slovenia Gorazd Stebe, CODEX Technologies d.o.o


Panel Session: Collaborative Solutions

C02 decontamination Joachim Karthäuser, SiOX Machines








Healthier Firefighters Today:

Evidential Approaches to Effective Decontamination – Programme


9.30-10.00         Registration & Refreshments

10.00                     Introduction: FIRE Editor Andrew Ledgerton-Lynch OBE

10.05                     Chair’s Introduction: Brett Egan-Briers

10.10                     Session 1: End User Perspectives

Keynote Address 1: NFCC perspectives on available decontamination technologies Brett Egan-Briers, Vice Chair of NFCC PPE and Clothing Committee

Keynote Address 2: Cancer Deaths and FRS Response:

Union perspective – cancer deaths – improved decontamination Riccardo La Torre, Fire Brigades Union

11.10                     Refreshments

11.30                     Session 2: Cancer Deaths and FRS Response

Keynote Address 3: BA cleaning project and new BA roll-out Adam Stone, London Fire Brigade

Keynote Address 4: Lessons from the Nordics and update on H20 cleaning research Ingemar Lejon, Lejon Kemi

12.30pm              Q&A session

1pm                        Lunch

2pm                        Session 3: Industry and International Perspectives

Keynote Address 5: Laundry cleaning Anna Lorentzon, Electrolux Professional

Keynote Address 6: Combination H20 and C02 cleaning – Slovenia Gorazd Stebe, CODEX Technologies d.o.o

3pm                       Refreshments

3.20pm                Panel Session: Collaborative Solutions

C02 decontamination Joachim Karthäuser, SiOX Machines

Decontamination research, Hazem Matar, Associate Professor, Hertfordshire University

Plus speakers

4.20pm                 Closing Remarks



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E:  [email protected]

T:  01273 434943