FIRE Magazine
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Author: Steffan John – Communications Officer, Mid & West Wales Fire & Rescue Service
Following the statement released by Hannah Blythyn MS, Deputy Minister for Social Partnership, regarding the culture and values within Mid and West Wales and North Wales Fire and Rescue Services, Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service recognises the importance of fostering a positive and supportive workplace environment and the need for public and staff reassurance in this regard.
Chief Fire Officer Roger Thomas said:
“We welcome Welsh Government’s decision to accept our proposal to review how we are progressing on our cultural journey.
“A robust cultural audit, undertaken by an external company, has already taken place at Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service and as a result, through the formation of a Culture and Inclusion Board and Working Group, an action plan to make wide-ranging enhancements to our Service is underway, a process which has been welcomed by Welsh Government.
“As well as focussing on the outcomes of our own cultural audit, this exercise pays cognisance to similar reports published by other Fire and Rescue Services, as well as His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services in England Spotlight report, recognising there are significant learning opportunities within their recommendations.
“We are committed to working closely with Welsh Government and North Wales Fire and Rescue Service on the review process – a collaborative approach which will ensure a comprehensive and unbiased assessment of our progress.
“The Service has a zero-tolerance policy on any form of misogyny, racism, bullying or inappropriate behaviour and we place great emphasis on ensuring our staff feel supported in the workplace, providing several routes should they feel they need to share any concerns.
“I want to show appreciation for the continuous hard work and dedication of our staff, as well as reassure the public that we will handle this process with integrity, honesty and transparency.”
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