Best PracticeFeatures State of Fire 2021: Frustration grows at lack of progress Catherine Levin May 17, 2023 Following the third and final report by Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services,…
Best PracticeFeatures Reforming our Fire and Rescue Service: Must try harder Tony Prosser May 17, 2023 Fire Service lecturer and Senior Correspondent Tony Prosser compares the Reforming our Fire and Rescue Service…
Best PracticeFeatures Waiting for reform: LGA Fire Conference 2022 Catherine Levin May 17, 2023 After two years away, the lure of the Hilton Hotel in Gateshead was too much, and delegates gathered again at the…
Best PracticeFeatures Fundamental reform’: What it could and should look like Fire Editor May 20, 2021 Professor Pete Murphy and Research Associate Katarzyna Lakoma, Nottingham Trent University, report on what is…
FeaturesFire Prevention & Protection Setting the fire safety bar too low? Fire Editor May 5, 2021 Jonathan O'Neill, Managing Director of the Fire Protection Association, FIRE features extracts from a speech which…
Best PracticeFeatures Reset appeal to Fire Reform White Paper Andrew Lynch Apr 19, 2021 One year on from the first lockdown, Editor Andrew Lynch appeals to government to heed recommendations from FIRE's…