Statement from FSF in response to publication of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry Report

We welcome the publication of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry Phase 2 Report, which is another significant milestone on the journey to create the best possible standards of fire safety in our society. We all continue to bear a heavy responsibility to the victims and their families that the lessons of the tragedy on June 14th2017 are learned and lead to meaningful change that will honour their memory.

We will now take some time to work through the report and its recommendations with our members and translate the findings of the report into actions that will make our society safer by developing policy to prevent a tragedy like this being repeated.

About the Fire Sector Federation

The Fire Sector Federation (FSF) seeks to give voice to and exert influence in shaping future policy and strategy related to the UK Fire Sector. The Federation is a not-for-profit non-government organisation established to act as a forum for the benefit of its membership and to evolve as a central source of information on all aspects relating to fire.

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