Most Brits say that emergency workers are undervalued

A new poll commissioned by Optical Express has revealed that more than half of people (52%) believe that the job police and Emergency Service workers do is not sufficiently appreciated.

Despite the fact that one in every two workers (51%) believe that their own job is appreciated by their employer, the poll found that most people feel that NHS and Emergency Service workers are underappreciated. The poll shows just how much gratitude the public have for Emergency Service workers and the efforts they make every day to keep us all safe, particularly following the pandemic.

The poll was conducted by YouGov on behalf of Optical Express. The UK’s number one private provider of laser eye surgery, lens replacement surgery and cataract surgery has relaunched its ‘Thanks a Million’ campaign which will provide £1 million worth of free laser eye surgery to NHS and Emergency Service workers, to thank them for their service. Optical Express first launched the extremely successful and well-received campaign in 2017, and has improved the lives of tens of thousands of NHS and Emergency Service workers over the years.

Optical Express are proud to have supported hundreds of humanitarian and philanthropic projects for more than 30 years, donating over £33 million and counting to worthwhile causes in the UK and aboard.

Matthew Charlesworth, a Police Constable who received free laser eye surgery as part of the ‘Thanks a Million’ campaign, reported an incident which left his glasses smashed after he was head butted by a suspect at work. He said: “I appeared much more vulnerable when wearing my glasses. It is situations like that which make you realise just how important eyesight is.”

Daniel Youde, a Police Community Support Officer for London Transport, said: “Thanks to Optical Express and its Thanks a Million initiative, I am now able to go to work feeling much more confident in dealing with any situation that occurs.

“I felt before surgery that my glasses were holding me back and I was worried about how I would cope without them. Now I can regularly attend the gym as I’m no longer concerned about damaging my glasses.”

Police and Emergency Service workers who wish to apply for free treatment can register their interest online []. If successful, you will be contacted by a member of the Optical Express team with further information.

David Moulsdale, Chairman and CEO of Optical Express, said, “Optical Express is excited to relaunch our ‘Thanks a Million’ campaign, which will allow us to improve the lives of so many more hardworking people. We first launched the campaign because, as this poll shows, it is important to say thank you to those who sadly do not hear it often enough. “People are rightly proud of our NHS and Emergency Services in this country, and they work tirelessly to keep us safe. We are delighted that we can contribute to giving them the thanks that they deserve.”

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Optical Express

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