FIRE magazine Exclusive Comments – March 2020

“On a broader scale it provides a narrative on where the Service is at, specifically around culture and leadership with significant gains needing to be made on both counts. However, factor in the government’s building safety changes and recommendations coming from the Grenfell Inquiry and no foreseeable input or improvement in resources and it’s clear to see that there’s a lot of work to be done with little support.”

“Emergency service workers always strive to provide the best possible service to the public and all stakeholders in the fire sector will come together to support that central aim. It’s still a world-leading fire and rescue service but that doesn’t mean it can’t be improved.”

FIRE editor Andrew Lynch examines the impact the assessment and inspections will have on fire and rescue services across the UK.


“What makes a good leader great? and, how do you challenge yourself to take every part of an organisation and make it better?”

Andrew Lynch considers what we should be asking leaders, as part of the newly launched National Leadership Centre.


“I am incredibly proud of the professional and timely response fire and rescue services – in conjunction with our partners and other agencies – provide to major incidents. However, the number of deployments we make are increasing, which leads me on to the area of resourcing and funding.”

“The public have high levels of trust in their fire service to deliver and assist across a range of emergencies, which was highlighted in the recent HMICRFS State of Fire Report. Therefore, it is vital we can continue to provide this type of response and are given the correct level of funding to ensure it remains an achievable reality. It is also time to raise the question of a statutory duty for flooding in England again.”

National Fire Chiefs Council Chair Roy Wilsher praises Fire Service response to the flooding across the UK and calls for a boost in funding from government to support the response.


“The recent government reshuffle saw a new Minister of State for Housing announced and I look forward to his approach in areas related to building safety. MPs at the recent Westminster Hall debate on cladding and leaseholders made their views perfectly clear; people were suffering as a result of living in ACM-clad buildings and these costings should not be passed on to individuals.”

Roy Wilsher maintains it is indefensible that we still have buildings with ACM3 cladding across the country.


“The Grenfell Inquiry is likely to restart at the beginning of March; the Phase 2 evidence that we heard in the first few days alone beggars belief.”

Roy Wilsher says it is vital that the Inquiry leaves no stone unturned during this second phase and the bereaved, survivors and families must get the answers they need.

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Fire Editor

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