NFCC response to HMICFRS Standards of Behaviour Report

Responding to the thematic report Standards of behaviour: The handling of misconduct in fire and rescue services published today by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS), National Fire Chiefs Council Chair (NFCC) Mark Hardingham, said: 


“We welcome today’s report from His Majesty’s Inspectorate and the new recommendations it sets out to improve the way that misconduct is handled.

“We have always recognised that culture change in fire and rescue services is not something that would happen overnight. Our own work to drive improvement in the sector has captured some positive signs of change and we recognise the increasing efforts of fire and rescue services to tackle unacceptable behaviour. We are, therefore, pleased that the Inspectorate has also recognised that early improvements are beginning to be seen across the sector.

“However, the Inspectorate is also right to call for further action where abhorrent behaviour still exists, where there is a lack of confidence to report misconduct, and where better misconduct training is needed for those responsible for providing support to people who come forward.

“Since the launch of NFCC’s Culture Action Plan last year, we have sought to bring the sector together to confront discrimination, bullying and harassment, to share positive practice, and to execute actionable plans to tackle misconduct. The independent Challenge and Support Panel – established to provide scrutiny of NFCC’s work around culture and inclusion – has also identified the need for greater support for services to deal with misconduct more consistently at all levels.

“Real and lasting change can only be achieved when we identify and promote good practice across fire and rescue services and work in collaboration with partners, especially those who have been working to amplify the voices of those underrepresented at every level of decision-making. Realising positive outcomes requires a continued effort to listen to and learn from lived experience.

“Not every aspect of culture change requires new or additional funding, but some do, including some of the recommendations in this report. To realise the ambitions set out in the report and its recommendations, for example in establishing dedicated Professional Standards functions, then fire and rescue services will need to be sustainably funded both now and in future years.

“In May, the Home Affairs Select Committee called for the National Framework to be updated to reflect the challenges of tackling poor culture, bullying and harassment, with the inclusion of a specific reference to cultural change. We agree and today’s report further reinforces the case for that change.”


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